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HENAN HUANGHE WHIRLWIND grandly holds 2020 technology mobilization conference

    On the morning of June 8, the Yellow River Cyclone 2020 Technology Mobilization Conference was grandly held in the International Conference Hall on the fourth floor of the R&D Center. Chen Zhiqiang, general manager of listed companies, and Wu Xiwang, deputy general manager and director of the R&D center, attended the meeting and made work deployment speeches; deputy general managers Guo Hui, Zhao Ziyong, Li Mingtao and He Tianyun attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Li Mingtao, deputy general manager.
     How to determine the positioning of scientific and technological research and development, Dr. Wu Xiwang, deputy general manager of the company and director of the research and development center, pointed out: First, we must ensure that the "customer-centric" corporate values ​​are implemented. Being customer-centric, it requires scientific researchers to have a clear understanding of the company's products and customers' needs, and be able to provide solutions and bring value to customers. The second is to ensure the company's deep implementation of the strategy of superhard materials and powder metallurgy. In the field of super-hard materials and powder metallurgy, the company must continuously invest manpower, material resources, and financial resources. The third is to ensure the development of technology R&D service companies and lead the development of the company. Serving the company's existing technologies and products, enabling continuous improvement of technology, continuous iteration of products, and ensuring market leadership and competitiveness; leading the company's development is to continuously develop new products and technologies around related industries to meet new needs and new markets. Bring new value and continuously inject energy into the company's development.
      Dr. Wu pointed out: In order to promote technology research and development to further serve the market, serve customers, service products, and service production, the company's entire technology research and development system from the R&D center to each business department must work around this goal. Therefore, the company's research and development center has five secondary institutions: (1) Innovation Research Institute: According to the company's strategic planning, it focuses on the basic research and innovation research of new materials and new technologies to provide project reserves and technical support for the company's mid- and long-term development . (2) Policy Research Office: Keeping up with national policies and industry development trends, paying attention to the information dynamics of the government and industry authorities, collating and analyzing various types of policy information; formulating the company's mid- and long-term technology development plans; creating conditions and docking and introducing various external resources. (3) Expert committee: gather technical experts from the production and market fronts of the company and the industry to form an expert committee; the expert committee regularly organizes technical exchanges around the technical problems faced by production and the market; is responsible for policy formulation, project establishment, and promotion of the company's scientific and technological projects , Assessment and incentive work.
     Dr. Wu emphasized: Technical R&D personnel and technical service personnel should sink to the front line of the market and the front line of production, and truly understand what kind of products customers need, not what the company has, so they sell what they want. All technical R&D projects should reverse the project schedule according to the requirements of production and the market, accelerate the completion of the project, and enhance the effectiveness of the project and the efficiency of achievement transformation with only the daily fighting spirit.
     Dr. Wu pointed out: In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of scientific and technological personnel, promote the company's scientific and technological progress, and make the company's scientific and technological work lead the company's development, the company is about to introduce a series of incentive policies for scientific and technological personnel, so that the performance of engineering and technical personnel is directly linked to the benefits of scientific and technological research and development. Engineering and technical personnel enjoy the dividends of enterprise development and technological research and development progress; for internal technological innovation and new product development, all units of the company are required to formulate reasonable incentive policies according to the actual situation, based on the principle of distribution according to work and distribution according to benefits, The results are linked to the company's scientific and technological project awards at the end of the year; for those who have won external policy support for scientific and technological projects, joined the expert committee of technical personnel, through technological research and development, to the company's intellectual property achievements, etc., will give certain supporting incentives and policy support .